ADAS Part 1-2-3 Combo
The first step to becoming a commercial diver.
Commercial Dive Academy offers a range of occupational diver training, from onshore and offshore training using SCUBA, SSBA and Closed Bell, to Supervisor level, Diver Medic Technician courses and much more.
You will leave our school with valuable internationally recognised qualifications. We also guarantee 100% employment for all graduates.
The first step to becoming a commercial diver.
Elevate your career to offshore diving, learn hyperbaric chamber and wetbell operations, and prepare for underwater welding and salvage work.
introduction to aquaculture diving with SSBA to 30M, emphasizing seafood industry specific skills and job-focused training required to work on fish farms.
4. Master surface-supplied breathing apparatus for civil and aquaculture diving, including power tools, underwater welding, construction, pneumatic & hydraulic tools
For scientists, media divers and any diver who needs an ADAS qualification for basic underwater tasks.
Begin your diving career with our ADAS Part One SCUBA to 30M course, covering safety, theory and practical diving skills.
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